About Us
Healthy Vision is Our Strongest Link to the World Around Us
NaturalEyeCare™ was created in May, 1999 to help health care professionals and the public become aware of the role of complementary care in the treatment of eye disease.
- We believe that combining the best in traditional and complementary care creates the greatest
opportunity for individuals to protect and improve vision.
- We believe that the health of the eye depends on the well-being of one's entire body. We provide recommendations for healing and preserving vision that encompass lifestyle, diet and nutritional products based on our analysis of peer review studies.
About Us
Marc Grossman
is a co-founder of naturaleyecare.com, the largest consumer eyecare resource of its kind, and a
respected author/coauthor of a number of books on natural eye care, most recently co-author of the acclaimed
Natural Eye Care, Your Guide To Healthy Eyes and Healing (published Jan. 2019),
as well as Magic Eye Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision (Volume 6) (2004), and Greater Vision (2001).
Michael Edson
is a co-founder and President of Natural Eye Care, Inc. He is co-author of
Natural Eye Care:
A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine and
Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, 2019.
He's also written Natural Parkinson's Support: Your Guide to
Preventing & Managing Parkinson's, 2020 and Natural
Brain Support: Ways to Help Prevent and Treat Dementia and Alzheimer's Naturally, 2021.
is the NaturalEyeCare™ shipping and inventory manager.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that this information will assist you and your loved ones in protecting against vision loss.
Any suggestions, comments or questions are welcomed. Contact us as at info@naturaleyecare.com, phone us at 845-475-4158, fax us at 845-818-3514, or write us at NaturalEyeCare™, 3 Paradies Lane, New Paltz, New York 12561.