
Seniors at Risk for Vitreous Detachment & Floaters

Two-thirds of your eye comprises the vitreous, composed of about 98% water and 2% collagen, hyaluronic acid, other substances, and fibers that attach to the retina.  It takes up the space between the retina and the lens and has many important functions: maintains the shape of the eye serves as a shock absorber cushions the … Continue reading “Seniors at Risk for Vitreous Detachment & Floaters”

Eye Floaters in the Vitreous: A Guide by Natural Eye Care

Have you ever noticed specks or clouds in your field of vision? They are most likely eye floaters. Floaters can look like cobwebs, blobs, dots, or little insects that float around. Eye floaters can be semi-transparent or darker. If you have them, they are more noticeable in certain lighting conditions, such as bright sunlight. You … Continue reading “Eye Floaters in the Vitreous: A Guide by Natural Eye Care”

Liver Meridian Congestion May Cause Eye Floaters

Eye floaters are clumps of protein that may look like dots, squiggles, strands or any of a hundred other shapes. Though annoying, floaters are harmless, and there are ways to prevent them through proper diet. They commonly result from the natural aging process where the vitreous gel (that keeps the shape of the back of … Continue reading “Liver Meridian Congestion May Cause Eye Floaters”

Beet Juice Can Help Prevent Dementia, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Eye Floaters

In our practice we are great proponents of juicing and its many health benefits. One veggie that is in many of the recipes that we recommend for specific eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and eye floaters is the humble seeming beet.  We have known for a long time the beet helps to improve circulation … Continue reading “Beet Juice Can Help Prevent Dementia, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Eye Floaters”

Candidiasis can cause eye floaters

Floaters are often the result of vitreous tears or detachments often experienced by seniors, but for some these clumps of protein can be the result of candidiasis, an overgrowth of the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans.

Diet and supplements may be helpful for floaters

Most floaters are the result of bits of cells that remain in the vitreous humor after birth and float around when the vitreous becomes more liquified later in life. Over 50% of people over 70 years of age report seeing floaters. Most floaters are age-related. The vitreous humor thickens and clumps as we age, and … Continue reading “Diet and supplements may be helpful for floaters”

Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Support Eye and Lens Health?

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a whole-body, personalized approach to managing health conditions and pain. Developed in ancient China, TCM unblocks the flow of energy in the body – the “chi.” Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body using tiny, sterile needles. They may also recommend herbal formulas. The acupuncture points are on the body’s meridians, … Continue reading “Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Support Eye and Lens Health?”