Silicon in Bottled Water Can Help Women With Osteoporosis

Scientists interested in counteracting osteoporosis and decreases in bone density are researching how the silicon found in bottled water from artesian wells can help postmenopausal women with low bone mass. Silicon is required in trace amounts for normal bone formation. This study, published in Nutrition Journal, shows that drinking such water from artesian aquifers is … Continue reading “Silicon in Bottled Water Can Help Women With Osteoporosis”

Tea Drinkers Less Likely to Develop Osteoporosis

Caffeine has been proven to increase one’s risk of developing osteoporosis, but some studies have shown that those who drink tea regularly are less likely to develop the disease. Scientists believe that the flavonoids in tea may have a protective effect. Other foods that tend to increase one’s risk of osteoporosis include soft drinks, salt, … Continue reading “Tea Drinkers Less Likely to Develop Osteoporosis”

Ways to help prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis (loss of calcium in bones) affects 44 million men and women in the United States today, resulting in 1.5 million fractures each year. Approximately one-quarter of those people who have hip fractures due to the disorder die within a year after the break due to complications, including not being able to move around very well.

Flaxseed Oil May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk

Adding flaxseed oil to the diet may reduce risk of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women and women with diabetes, according to new research published in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition, and Public Health. In a study using laboratory rats, researchers have found that flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on bone mineral density and … Continue reading “Flaxseed Oil May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk”

DHA is a Crucial Omega-3 Fatty Acid

DHA is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that nutritionists implore us to eat. Why are grilled salmon and canned tuna part of nearly every diet and nutrition plan? Fatty fish is just one good source of DHA and other crucial nutrients. Find out how omega-3 fatty acids reduce chronic inflammation and help prevent diseases … Continue reading “DHA is a Crucial Omega-3 Fatty Acid”

Physical Exercise Reduces Eye Disease and Dementia

Physical exercise is vital for eye health and overall health. Research shows the positive impacts of exercise on common eye conditions. What is the intricate relationship between exercise and eye health? Can regular physical activity reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases? What role does nutrition play? And, can physical exercise help stave off neurological … Continue reading “Physical Exercise Reduces Eye Disease and Dementia”

Natural Anti-Aging: Fight Neurological Disease

Aging Strains the Brain The proportion of the elderly is increasing rapidly worldwide in recent decades with rapid socio-economic development. In 2019, there were 1 billion people aged 60 years and older. It is estimated that this number will increase to 1.4 billion by 2030, and to 2.1 billion by 2050. The proportion of the … Continue reading “Natural Anti-Aging: Fight Neurological Disease”

What are Micronutrients?

About Micronutrients Vitamins, minerals, and other special nutrients are known as micronutrients because we only need tiny amounts of each one. However, micronutrients are essential for well-being, healthy development, and disease prevention. The human body needs nearly 30 micronutrients, but it can only produce one: vitamin D. The other micronutrients come only from food. A … Continue reading “What are Micronutrients?”

Nutrition for Diabetic Retinopathy

Did you know that proper nutrition and exercise can help prevent diabetic retinopathy?1  Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a potentially blinding complication of diabetes that damages the eye’s retina; it is a leading cause of vision loss in the world. About 10% of Americans have diabetes. One in three people with diabetes has symptoms of diabetic … Continue reading “Nutrition for Diabetic Retinopathy”

What Causes Accelerated Aging? Research on Senescent Cells

Remaining energetic and healthy is generally a goal for seniors. In this article, we will look at one of the factors that cause accelerated aging — senescent cells. Damaged cells cause visible signs of aging: liver spots, gray hair, and wrinkles. Disease, injury, and other stress factors harm cells throughout our body. Increased free radical … Continue reading “What Causes Accelerated Aging? Research on Senescent Cells”