
Ultraviolet Light Linked to Eye Disease and Skin Damage: UV Safety

July is Ultraviolet Safety Month, a crucial time to raise awareness about the dangers of UV rays and the importance of protecting our eyes and skin. Ultraviolet radiation, a type of energy produced by the sun, can have serious health implications if proper precautions are not taken. Why is UV safety important? What are the … Continue reading “Ultraviolet Light Linked to Eye Disease and Skin Damage: UV Safety”

The Sun and Your Eyes: Enemy or Friend?

Does Sunlight Danger Outweigh the Benefits? Many studies demonstrate that exposure to sunlight provides protection to diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and a variety of cancers, and avoiding sunlight may influence their progression.1  It has been thought that these protections are due only to vitamin D, whose creation requires sunlight, but researchers are … Continue reading “The Sun and Your Eyes: Enemy or Friend?”

Your Eyelids: Styes, Blepharitis, and more.

Natural Treatments for the Eyelid For mild cases of chalazion, styes, pterygium, and blepharitis, the following are ways to naturally treat these conditions. If these issues are persistent or affecting your vision, be sure to get seen by your eye doctor. Note that our EyeEase Formula 2 fl oz is back in stock. Stye A … Continue reading “Your Eyelids: Styes, Blepharitis, and more.”

What is the Connection Between the Liver and the Eyes?

Liver, Chinese Medicine and Eye Health You may have heard that the eyes are related to the liver.  But how can that be and what does that mean?  What are the practical implications? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners understand that the health of the body is intimately connected to the flow – or blockage – … Continue reading “What is the Connection Between the Liver and the Eyes?”

Herbs that Fight Abnormal Microbleeding in Macular Degeneration & Diabetic Eye Disease

Macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy have something in common. Although the indirect causes may be different, a consequence of untreated AMD or untreated diabetes is similar. Untreated, both conditions may result in macular microbleeding, in which abnormal capillaries develop (angiogenesis) that leak fluid or blood into the retina. A holistic approach may reduce the risk … Continue reading “Herbs that Fight Abnormal Microbleeding in Macular Degeneration & Diabetic Eye Disease”

Hormones Influence Blood Flow and Eye Disease

Managing hormones and vascular disease risk could help prevent eye diseases associated with aging. Impaired blood flow is suspected of contributing to several major eye diseases. Glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and Age-related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) are all associated with reduced blood flow to the eyes. These eye diseases mostly strike seniors. As we age, our vascular … Continue reading “Hormones Influence Blood Flow and Eye Disease”

Which Parts of the Eyes Are Associated with Which Eye Diseases?

The eyes are small, but they have many parts including the eyelids, sclera, cornea, lens, optic nerve and retina. We depend heavily on our vision. When something goes wrong, the eyes are disproportionately affected. For example, a senior at risk of heart disease is also at risk of an ocular arterial or vein occlusion. Also, … Continue reading “Which Parts of the Eyes Are Associated with Which Eye Diseases?”

Green Tea, Antioxidants, and the Eyes: A Guide by Natural Eye Care

A large body of research shows green tea is a “super-antioxidant” that benefits the entire body, including the eyes. Eyes are highly vulnerable to oxidative stress, so any antioxidant could have ocular benefits. However, green tea contains polyphenols, potent antioxidants that also reduce inflammation. Catechins in green tea are highly absorbable by eye tissues, unlike … Continue reading “Green Tea, Antioxidants, and the Eyes: A Guide by Natural Eye Care”

Sun Protection for the Eyes: Prevent Eye Injuries, Cataracts, ARMD, Surfer’s Eye

The sun sustains life, but it also can harm our eyes. Unsafe sun exposure causes or may contribute to several eye conditions and diseases. It can also cause eye injuries. Earth’s ozone layer absorbs most of the ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun, but chemicals have damaged it. Therefore, we must take extra precautions to … Continue reading “Sun Protection for the Eyes: Prevent Eye Injuries, Cataracts, ARMD, Surfer’s Eye”