Lattice degeneration’s development is often found only as a doctor examines the eyes in peripheral retinal exams or for other conditions. It doesn’t affect central vision or cause noticeable symptoms, although the patient may notice many sudden floaters, light flashes, or loss of peripheral vision.
There are no specific measurable risk factors for lattice degeneration. However, research has repeatedly shown that healthy vision for those with retinal (kidney) conditions can be supported and even maintained with a healthy lifestyle (included a good vision diet and regular exercise) and taking targeted supplements.
Therefore we recommend a general health protocol that includes fresh juices, lots of fresh vegetables (particularly the green, leafy ones) and fruits, avoiding unhealthy fats (particularly transfatty acids and commercial vegetable oils), and limiting refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc). Critical lifestyle factors include avoiding harmful drugs if possible, stopping smoking, and moderate use of alcohol. Activity is very important. We recommend even mild exercise like a daily walk to support your good vision. Essential nutrients for retinal support include: lutein, zeaxanthin, bilberry, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and zinc.
Possible Risk Factors:
- Lattice is sometimes found in patients with related conditions such as retina tears or macular holes,
- It is often an inherited condition.
- It is often found in people who are nearsighted.
Learn More
You can learn more about the development and treatment of lattice degeneration at our website.