Microcurrent Stimulation for Eye Disease (and more)

microcurrent stimulationMicrocurrent Stimulation treatment protocols are designed to help people with retinal disease. MCS works by supporting nourishment and healing to the back of the eyes as well as possibly some cell regeneration. Retinal tissue is easily the most complex tissue in the entire body, and we tell people that they need to commit to regular treatment for a year, because it may take up to a year before they first see results, though benefits may be seen much sooner.

A number of research studies have suggested that daily use of specific microcurrent stimulation helps promote retinal (as well as optic nerve health) in 3 different ways:

Ways that MCS promotes eye health

One function of microcurrent stimulation therapy is to restore cell health, enabling normal function, proper healing, and repair.

      • Increases blood supply to the area stimulated. By increasing blood flow to the area, cells and tissues still living can get nourished and refreshed.
      • Re-stimulates and energizes dormant retinal cells (cells are like batteries — when they run low in energy, they become sluggish and dormant),
      • Boost the cells’ ability to rid themselves of waste products that interfere with the flow of energy, nutrients, and communication.

It may also stimulate adult stem cell activity.

Researchers report that most patients with macular degeneration who use MCS daily along with targeted supplements show improved vision on the Eye Snellen Chart after 6 months (63%-73%).1, 2 [Article in Russian] Vestn Oftalmol. 137(5. Vyp. 2):262-267.], 3, 4

It should be noted that some studies were small with no controls. Even so, a 2021 review of 10 studies reported promising therapeutic effects on retinitis pigmentosa and optic neuropathy, and suggested that further research could further pinpoint treatment applications for patients with AMD, retinal artery occlusion, and glaucoma. 5

Some of the studies also looked at the potential for treatment for Stargardt’s disease6 and retinitis pigmentosa.7

We also feel it is relevant for those with optic nerve degeneration issues as well.

Long Covid

Another potential use for MCS is in treating vision abnormalities associated with long COVID.8

Circadian Rhythm

MSC may also have an application to normalize circadian patterns because disruption of the circadian rhythm (among other problems) impacts vision and aging.9

Technical Specifics

Our MCS 100ile unit contains a microprocesser to tightly control output. The unit adjusts the current output over 1000 times a second, making sure that the current remains constant. Current going through tissue gives resistance so the current needs to remain constant to be most effective. Less expensive units do not provide this necessary function and are not appropriate for eye health.

In addition, this unit uses carrier waves which creates a more complex waveform and one that is capable of penetrating the body to the level where eye support is needed.

These are very safe machines. They are battery-powered and designed so that they can’t generate enough current to damage tissue. They are shielded. The amount of current a unit can deliver is considered physiologic, meaning that the currents generated are currents on a level that the body would produce naturally. Contraindications are considered for those with a pacemaker or history of epilepsy.

This is the home unit version of the Microcurrent Stimulation (MCS 100 ile), pre-programmed for 5 minutes sessions. The frequency settings were primarily used in the studies described at https://store.naturaleyecare.com/microcurrent-stimulation-100ile-purchase-option.html. It is preset automatically to run through 4 frequencies in a preset 5-minute cycle before turning off. The four frequencies are: 292Hz for 30 seconds, 30Hz for 30 seconds, 9.1Hz for 2 minutes, then finally .3Hz for 2 minutes. Voltage is up to 22 and amps range 700 microAmps.

There are other microcurrent stimulation units available, but they have to be specifically calibrated both in frequency and timing to ensure proper gentle wave currents for your eyes. This unit works on alternating current. The output is DC with elements of AC introduced on each cycle per second.

This unit is already pre-programmed for 5 minutes sessions.

For a comprehensive scientific review of microcurrent, read our related chapter in our book Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing

Product Recommendations

Microcurrent Stimulation 100ile Purchase Option OR MicroCurrent Stimulation 100ile Rent-to-Purchase Option


Back in stock – Floater Homeopathic Pellets – 2-month supply

Advanced Eye and Vision Support Formula – our whole food, organic, GMO-free formula with lutein and zeaxanthin.

Dr. Grossman’s Bilberry/Ginkgo Combination 2oz (60ml)

Taurine Extra Strength 1000 mg 100 vcaps (TAU30)


  1. Chaikin L, Kashiwa K, Bennet M, Papastergious G, Gregory W. (2015). Microcurrent stimulation in the treatment of dry and wet macular degeneration. Clin. Ophthalmol. Dec 17;9:2345-53.
  2. Drakon AK, Kurguzova AG, Sheludchenko VM, Korchazhkina NB. (2021). [Pharmacological and physiotherapeutic methods of treating non-exudative age-related macular degeneration
  3. Kondrot EC. (2015). Improvement in Vision Parameters for Participants Treated With Alternative Therapies in a 3-day Program. Altern Ther Health Med. Nov-Dec 2015;21(6):22-35.
  4. Halloran, et al. (1997). Bioelectrical Stimulation in an Integrated Treatment for Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, CMV, and DR; Fourth Annual Symposium on Biologically Closed Electrical Circuits, Mankato University, MN, October, 1997.
  5. Liu J, Tong K, Lin Y, Lee VWH, et al. (2021), Effectiveness of Microcurrent Stimulation in Preserving Retinal Function of Blind Leading Retinal Degeneration and Optic Neuropathy: A Systematic Review. Neuromodulation. Aug;24(6):992-1002.
  6. Paul E. (2002). Presented: The Treatment of Retinal Disease With MCS and Nutritional Supplementation, International Society for Low-Vision Research and rehabilitation at the Low Vision Congress in Gothenberg, Sweden
  7. Also see these study descriptions from earlier work.
  8. Sabel BA, Zhou W, Huber F, Schmidt F, Sabel K, et al. (2021). Non-invasive brain microcurrent stimulation therapy of long-COVID-19 reduces vascular dysregulation and improves visual and cognitive impairment. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 39(6):393-408.
  9. Matsunaga N, Yoshida Y, Kitajou N, Shiraishi A, Kusunose N, et al. (2019). Microcurrent stimulation activates the circadian machinery in mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 28;513(2):293-299.