
Microcurrent Stimulation May Help Macular Degeneration

microcurrent stimulationA small study has shown microcurrent stimulation (electrotherapy) to benefit macular degeneration patients. While the study did not have controls, the research on 25 eyes with dry age-related macular degeneration, and 6 eyes with wet age-related macular degeneration found:

  • Significant increases in visual acuity for most of the dry AMD patients (Wilcoxon one-sample test)
  • Twice as many dry AMD patients had improved visual acuity (52%) than deterioration (26%). The improvements were usually large, while deteriorations were very small.
  • The sample size of wet AMD eyes was too small to draw many conclusions; however, all but one had an increase in visual acuity, and none of them deteriorated.

Microcurrent stimulation is typically used by medical professionals to speed healing of wound, reduce pain and improve transplantation results. These uses have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration using specific protocols.

It is theorized that microcurrent stimulation works on some patients because it re-stimulates and energizes dormant retinal cells; helps cells expel and remove waste; and increases blood flow to the area. Additional blood flow helps the living cells in the area receive more nourishment.

This therapy has also been tested with retinitis pigmentosa patients.

Note: The patients in this study only received one treatment a week for 3 months at an eye clinic. Natural Eye Care offers a rental-to-own program so patients can use the device more frequently in the convenience of their own homes.  Patients who do not get the desired results can return the machine and only pay a monthly rental fee plus shipping; otherwise, rental fees can go toward the purchase of the device. Learn more.

Study: Chaikin L, Kashiwa K, Bennet M, Papastergiou G, Gregory W. “Microcurrent stimulation in the treatment of dry and wet macular degeneration” Dovepress 17 December 2015 Volume 2015:9 Pages 2345—2353 DOI https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S92296