Parkinson’s Disease is a multi-faceted neurological disease that appears to result from breakdowns in aspects of healthy body function. How can you support Parkinson’s naturally? Can you prevent this disease? Find out by ordering Michael Edson’s new book, “Natural Parkinson’s Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson’s.”
This 141-page book is a self-empowerment guide. Learn specific ways to help improve brain function. Find out how diet, exercise, targeted nutrients and herbs can help manage Parkinson’s Disease. Read about essential oils and alternative modalities such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Light Therapy and intravenous Glutathione.
“Natural Parkinson’s Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson’s Disease” includes 620-plus peer review research studies and discusses over 50 targeted nutrients.
The author, Michael Edson, is the co-founder and President of Natural Eye Care, Inc. A New York State Licensed acupuncturist, Michael is co-author of “Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing,” published in 2018.
“Natural Parkinson’s Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson’s.” is available now. $19.95 includes shipping to USA. Ebook and Kindle will come out soon.
Note: This book is not meant to replace your doctor’s advice, but to complement it in a natural way, with the goal minimizing medication needed.