Natural Eye Care Michael Edson’s Alzheimer’s Article in the Townsend Letter

The latest Townsend Letter features co-owner of Michael Edson, L.Ac., MS  and his article, Underlying Causes and Natural Treatments for Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

The publisher’s discussion of Michael’s article also mentions that studies report that the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination reduces the risk of dementia by 42% with similar results for flu and pneumonia vaccines.  Both results may be due to reduced overall inflammation in the body.

Top Nutrients for the Brain

Top nutrients for the brain include: ashwagandha, CoQ10, curcumin, DHA, ginseng, gingko biloba, glutathione, lutein, resveratrol, taurine, and vitamins B2, B6, B9, B12, and D3. Interestingly, most of the essential nutrients that support healthy retina, optic nerve and overall eye health are needed in the brain as well and are allowed to pass through the blood-brain barrier.

Diet and Nutrition

Poor diet and/or poor absorption of essential nutrients is a factor. Deficiency or low levels in specific vitamins such as vitamin D3, and B vitamins can result in cognitive difficulty, mood swing, and depression. These deficiencies can mimic symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. In contrast to the healthful effects of diets that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, epidemiological studies indicate that diets with high contents of trans and saturated fats adversely affect cognition. A diet high in “junk food” and saturated fats elevates the neurological burden that is associated with brain injury, as evidenced by a worse performance in learning tasks and synaptic plasticity which enables us to function in changing environments and even produce new brain cells. Such a diet increases the vulnerability of cells to damage by causing free-radical formation that surpasses cellular buffering capacity.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Specific nutrient deficiencies such as glutathione, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, magnesium and zinc contribute to brain dysfunction and dementia onset. Zinc deficiency may induce learning and memory impairment. B12 deficiency has been linked to mental decline (which can often be mistaken for dementia). Magnesium is essential for learning and memory, and has been shown to support brain plasticity for optimal learning, memory, and cognitive function. It also suppresses amyloid beta build-up in the brain classically found in Alzheimer’s patients.

Note that research has shown that essential nutrients needed to support healthy brain function have been found to be deficient in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, in particular glutathione which is the antioxidant needed and found in greatest quantity in the brain, so should be taken as a supplement either preventatively for those at risk or for those that have Alzheimer’s Disease. As a supplement best taken as an intraoral spray or sublingually as it is very poorly absorbed in pill or tablet form.

Other nutrient deficiencies can include Vitamin D3, copper, iron and selenium.

Deficiencies Mimic Dementia

Deficiencies of essential nutrients can also mimic symptoms of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease, so it is possible that patients may be being treated for these diseases with medication when in fact they do not have either, so ask your doctor for blood work for these nutrients when symptoms appear.


Natural Eye Care Podcast with Dr. Marc Grossman, Holistic Optometrist
Natural Brain Support Podcast with Michael Edson, MS, L.Ac.

Recommended Products

Advanced Eye & Vision Support Formula (whole food) 60 vcaps
ACG Glutathione EXTRA STRENGTH Spray 2oz. and 4oz.
Dr. Grossman’s Whole Food Organic Superfood Multi-Vitamin 120 Vcaps
Discount Combo: Dr. Grossman’s Advanced Eye and Dr. G’s Whole Food Superfood Multi120 Vcap – 2 months supply
Brain Cell Support 60 caps
Brain and Memory Support Package 1

Natural Brain Support Book and Nutrient Package

Visit our Natural brain Care Site for more information on brain health email us with any questions at or call us at 845-475-4158.

Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing
Natural Brain Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Other Related Diseases

Next: Learn more on our new Natural Brain Care website.