
Preventive Eye Care for Aging Eyes

senior walkerMaintaining a healthy lifestyle is instrumental in preventing or even putting a stop to a loss of vision due to age. Especially when senior citizens are presented with debilitating eye conditions. They may suffer from depression, anxiety and fear. They notice that they no longer have a sense of balance and face the possibility of falling. Many are unaware that they can circumvent these conditions.

Following the tips will help pave the way toward a better quality of life:

Eat Well and Eat Healthy with lots of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Don’t forget that drinking water on a daily basis is important as well.

Exercise regularly through walking. Research has shown that physical unfitness is worse than obesity. Regardless of your weight, walk daily as well as other movements to regain overall health.

Protect your eyes from intense ultraviolet light. Today we have numerous choices of sunglasses with UV Radiation protection including those that even wrap around the eyes. Make it a habit to wear sunglasses every time you go outdoors. And, wear a hat with a brim to provide shade for your eyes.

STOP SMOKING IMMEDIATELY. Smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration to 2.5 to 3.5 times. If over 80, the risk jumps to 5.5 times. Smoking also doubles the risk of developing cataracts. For men, smoking over a pack a day increases that risk by 205% and for women 63%.

WATCH YOUR SUGAR INTAKE. Research has shown that too much sugar is detrimental to your health. In particular, it increases the risk of developing eye conditions. Cataracts form from eating too much sugar because sugar limits the eye’s ability to keep the lens clear.

Change focus – Don’t keep your eyes focused in one place for a sustained period of time. Look up out a window when you are doing close work to give your eyes a break. Sustained contraction of the eyes can lead to a contraction of your upper body and neck. Also, don’t stare. Staring causes tension on the visual system.

Get sunlight – at least 20 minutes of natural sunlight a day. Go for a walk. The eyes are light sensing organs. It is important to get enough sunlight so that they operate optimally.

My philosophy of eye care is not to treat just the condition, but to treat the person.

If you are interested in finding out about an individualized protocol to keep your precious gift of sight, please contact me for a consultation or attend a workshop. I make presentations at Kripalu Yoga Center and Omega Institute several times a year.

I also have many online classes available at drgrossman2020.com

Dr Marc Grossman's 2020 Vision