
Probiotics Help Women With Persistent Urinary Tract Infections

elderly women
image via cdc.gov

Probiotics may be the key to relief for the 2-3% of women who suffer from chronic urinary tract infections.

A new study appearing in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases finds that a depletion of vaginal bacteria can be linked to these frequent UTIs.  Taking this finding into account, researchers examined the results of treating women with probiotics, sources of “good” bacteria that can help restore internal balance.

In a 10 week trial of 100 women treated with either the Lactobacillus crispatus probiotic or a placebo, 7 women receiving the probiotic had a UTI compared to 13 women receiving the placebo.  Source: HealthFinder.gov

As concerns mount over the number of antibiotics being prescribed today and the worry that antibiotic resistance is on the rise, it is a great sign that probiotics are able to help treat persistent infections like these.

Learn more about how to treat urinary tract and bladder infections naturally.