
Diabetic Retinopathy Guide: When High Blood Sugar Damages the Eyes

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that is a complication of diabetes. In diabetes, levels of blood sugar are chronically elevated due to lack of insulin, an insulin  insensitivity, or a combination of both. Just as sugar combined with water outside the body forms a sticky substance, excessive sugar in the bloodstream does so as … Continue reading “Diabetic Retinopathy Guide: When High Blood Sugar Damages the Eyes”

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Eye Disease Including Glaucoma

 OSA requires proper diagnosis and management. This ailment often goes untreated, despite being recognized nearly 50 years ago. With a 9% incidence rate among the female Caucasian population of the United States and 24% in the male Caucasian population, more than 80% of those affected by OSA are believed to be undiagnosed, or untreated even … Continue reading “Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Eye Disease Including Glaucoma”

How Enzymes Help the Body and the Eyes

An enzyme acts as a catalyst to increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Enzymes are proteins. Scientists have named 3,000+ different enzymes, but perhaps 50,000 additional enzymes may exist. Enzymes all have specific functions that result in biochemical reactions. For example, certain enzymes are involved in the absorption of oxygen and production of energy; … Continue reading “How Enzymes Help the Body and the Eyes”

FDA Approves Lucentis for Diabetes-related Eye Disease

The eye drug Lucentis has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating the disease diabetic macular edema (DME). This drug was originally developed by Roche to treat cancer. Lucentis has also been approved to treat two eye disorders, macular degeneration and now, diabetic macular edema. The leading cause of new cases of … Continue reading “FDA Approves Lucentis for Diabetes-related Eye Disease”

Cataracts Surgery Can Involve Increased Risk for Patient With Diabetes

People who have diabetes often suffer from cataracts as well; in fact, they are more likely than the general population to develop cataracts.  Diabetics considering cataracts surgery need to consider their increased risk factors before they chose to undergo the procedure. It is very important that patients’ blood sugar is well-controlled before surgery to increase their post-surgical healing ability.  … Continue reading “Cataracts Surgery Can Involve Increased Risk for Patient With Diabetes”

Vinpocetine shows promise for chronic inflammation

Findings reported in article published online on May 6, 2010 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (see link below) suggest that vinpocetine, a derivative of vincamine (from the periwinkle plant), could be useful for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arthritis, infectious diseases and cancer.

CoQ10 Supports Mitochondrial Function in Every Cell

What is CoQ10? Co-enzyme Q10 is an essential nutrient and antioxidant found in every cell in the body. It supports and promotes mitochondrial function essential for cellular energy. It is critical for eye, brain, and heart health. Health conditions like heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes, and cancer have been linked to low levels of CoQ10.1 … Continue reading “CoQ10 Supports Mitochondrial Function in Every Cell”

Do Computer Screens Affect Eyesight?

Computer users are concerned about their vision. When we recently searched online for “vision computer screen” the top four searches were: Do computer screens affect eyesight? Can staring at a computer screen cause double vision? Is computer vision syndrome serious? How do you get rid of computer vision syndrome? The answer to the first 3 … Continue reading “Do Computer Screens Affect Eyesight?”