
Tired Eyes Linked to Brain Fog

tired eyes and brain fogWe’ve all experienced tired eyes, but did you know they are also linked to brain fog?

One factor of tired eyes is decreased rate and velocity of blinking. The blink function is key to keeping the surface of our eyes moist, and helping prevent tired eyes. With fatigue, the blink rate slows and the eyes feel more tired.

Tired Eyes

Tired eyes is a common complaint to eye doctors. The possible causes include:

  • Computer Eye Strain (Asthenopia) – too many hours on the computer or other devices, as well as extensive near work such as reading, sewing, and writing.
    • Smartphones and other handheld electronic devices can also cause eye strain. Small fonts and blue light can be hard on the eyes.
    • Excessive use of video games.
    • Dry eyes, which can be aggravated by computer use. Studies have shown that computer users tend to blink less while on the computer.
    • Poor posture and/or improper computer station set-up
  • Lighting. Ongoing exposure to either poor lighting or lighting that can strain the eyes such as fluorescent lighting
  • Improper eyeglasses or the need to get corrected glasses. One should also be tested for possible muscle imbalance between the two eyes if glasses are not correcting the problem. For a local Behavioral Optometrist, go to www.oepf.org
  • Muscle tightness in the neck and shoulders.
  • A poor diet which can include excessive caffeine. For more information on a healthy diet, go to our page on the Mediterranean Diet.
  • Adrenal fatigue

If you have eye pain, fatigue, headaches, photophobia, and irritability, you could have migraines. Migraines can be triggered by eye strain, but they tend to last longer. They also don’t improve with eye rest.


Eye Exercises.

Take regular breaks to stretch, relax your eyes and do eye exercises:  The “O’s” or “Tracing” exercise is quite soothing for tired eyes using paper and pencil.

• Remember to breathe. Take two deep breaths.
• Sit comfortably at a table, feet shoulder-width apart.
• In real time, draw five sets of vertical lines with at least five to eight lines in each set. Now count the number of lines in each set and write the number you’ve counted underneath.
• Draw ten small o’s on a piece of paper, and fill in the o’s with a pen.
• Draw three curvy lines and trace over them with your pen.

For more eye exercise, see our free eye exercise e-booklet.


Avoid meals high in carbohydrates and sugar. If you need a snack during the day, nuts, seeds, and cheese are good sources of protein and will quench your desire for sugar.

Minimize coffee to one cup per day. Instead, have green or black tea, which is full of great antioxidants.

Drink plenty of water.


Get plenty of sleep. If you get tired during the day, try sitting back, closing your eyes, and doing some visualization or meditation for 10-20 minutes.

Exercise Regularly

Get a brisk walk, at least 20 minutes, daily.

Brain Fog Linked to Tired Eyes

Tired eyes may lead to brain fog, so follow the tips above. Take a walk outside to get some fresh are. Take long, slow deep breaths.

There is a whole chapter on Brain Fog and its underlying causes in our book Natural Brain Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Other Related Diseases Naturally.

Recommended Supplements

Ginseng Supreme 1 oz – this is a wild-crafted, GMO-free tincture.

Dr. Grossman’s Bilberry/Ginkgo Combination 2oz (60ml) – helps strengthen blood vessels, and supports healthy circulation and night vision.

Women’s Tear Stimulation Dry Eye Homeopathic Eyedrops 10ml per bottle or Forte Tear Stimulation 10ml.

OPTASE® Dry Eye INTENSE Drops (.33 fl. oz.)

Optase MGD Advanced Dry Eyedrops – (NEW) – for those whose teardrops are low in the oil layer production.