Traditional Chinese Medicine is a whole-body, personalized approach to managing health conditions and pain. Developed in ancient China, TCM unblocks the flow of energy in the body – the “chi.” Practitioners stimulate specific points on the body using tiny, sterile needles. They may also recommend herbal formulas. The acupuncture points are on the body’s meridians, which are energetic channels. Many meridians lead to the eyes, so imbalances in the meridians can impact eye health.
We know that many ophthalmic conditions progress because of impaired blood flow and reduced energy flow. This results in less oxygen to the eyes, and starving the eyes of vital nutrients. A range of eye diseases may manifest, including macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Impaired circulation to the eyes also results in toxic accumulation of metabolic ocular waste products, which are produced in the eye from normal day-to-day functioning. For example, the damage from dry macular degeneration is caused by fat deposits, called “drusen,” when the eyes don’t remove waste properly.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, these meridians run throughout the body, with many going to the eyes. Here are some examples of how meridians relate to parts of the eyes.
- The Liver meridian “opens to the eyes.” It is the main flow of energy related to vision health. A healthy liver meridian is essential for promoting overall circulation and energy flow to all parts of the eyes.
- The kidney meridian supports and nourishes the eye lens. It helps bring blood nourishment to the retina.
- The sclera, which is the white tissue surrounding the eyeball, connects to the lungs
- The bottom eyelid to the stomach
- The top eyelid to the spleen
- The cornea and iris to the liver
- The Spleen meridian supports nourishment to the eyes
When any of these meridians are out-of-balance, eye disease can develop.
Acupuncture functions by harmonizing and adjusting “essential energy,” often called “Qi.” This energy traverses the body through fourteen primary pathways known as “meridians.” While there are 71 meridians in total, acupuncturists typically concentrate on approximately 20. Ten of these pathways are internally linked to specific organs, including the Liver – Gallbladder, Lungs/Large Intestine, Heart/Small Intestine/Triple Heater, Kidneys/Bladder, and Spleen/Stomach. The body also has eight extra channels.
At Natural Eye Care, we offer several custom products for vision support based on Chinese medicine principles. These include:
Revision Formula is based on a classic Chinese medicine liver tonic. It supports overall circulation and movement of energy throughout the body, and may help reduce eye floaters based on the Chinese medical model. The formula also helps to protect the body against stress. It is based on the classic formula Rambling Powder (Xiao Yao San). From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, it supports the health of the vitreous, optic nerve, and macula by eliminating energy stagnation and promoting blood circulation in the eyes.
Retinal Support Formula helps strengthen the retina by means of a synergistic combination of Chinese and Western herbs. From a Chinese medical perspective, it nourishes the kidneys, liver, and spleen. It strengthens the retina by supporting blood circulation and building blood quality, and enhancing energy levels. This formula also decreases “dampness,” which refers to retained water caused by spleen imbalances, according to Chinese medicine.
Read this article to learn more about how Chinese Medicine supports eye health.