Dry Eyes
Treatment Symptoms, Causes, How it Works
Dry eyes is said to be the most common complaint to eye doctors - and most over the counter remedies don't help
very much. Nutritional supplementation and lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Homeopathic medicines or remedies, which are made
from minute quantities of helpful herbs can be quite useful.
Next: Nutritional support, diet, &
lifestyle tips for dry eyes.
Questions about Dry Eyes
Q: What are homeopathic medicines?
A: Homeopathy is the use of extremely diluted substances aimed at helping reducing symptoms and supporting the body's natural healing process in a very gentle way. In eyedrop form, it helps support the natural tear production process as well as lubricates the eyes.
Homeopathic remedies use minute amounts of plants, minerals and/or animal components that act on the basis of "like
treats like," meaning that in large dosages the substances can cause or mimic symptoms of health conditions, but in extremely diluted preparations it has the opposite effect and helps the body heal. Preparations are typically based on the homeopathic desk reference guide which is based on over 100 years of research and experience.
Q: Why take nutritional supplementation?
A: Poor nutrition and hormone imbalances are probably
the major culprits in causing dry eyes. Lack of essential fatty acids,
vitamins A, C, riboflavin and B6 affect the workings of the eye's lubrication system.
Q: Can't I get these nutrients from food?
A: The optimal method for consuming essential nutrients for our eyes is a healthy diet.
However, as we age, fewer nutrients are readily absorbed by way of our digestive system and furthermore,
these nutrients are less efficiently circulated through the blood system. For that reason, targeted
supplementation is very helpful for both prevention and addressing specific weaknesses in the vision
Q: How long will I have to take the nutrients?
A: You take the supplements and use the tears as long as your symptoms persist. You can taper off once you start feeling better. The continued use of HydroEyes is still recommended due to the continued value of the essential fatty acids in your diet.
Q: When will I notice an improvement?
A: We often see a stabilization and possibly an improvement within 1month after starting the program. You may start to feel better almost immediately from the eyedrops.
Q: Can I take these nutrient with other medications?
A: Typically yes, though you should contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
Q: Are there any contraindications?
A: If you have a bleeding condition or are on anticoagulants (blood thinners), do not increase your level of essential fatty acid intake except on the advice of your doctor.
Q: Can I take these nutrients with my vitamins?
A: Typically yes, but be sure to check to make sure you are not duplicating nutrients between formulas you are taking.
Q: Are these products available in stores?
A: Usually not.
Q: Can my friends or relatives order these products?
A: Yes, just have them call or email our office.
Q: Do my medications affect my tear production?
A: Some medications may contribute to increased eye symptoms. These include
antihistamines, blood pressure and ulcer medications, oral contraceptives, diuretics,
over-the-counter vasoconstrictors (such as Visine), anti-glaucoma eye drops and
antidepressants. Ask your doctor about these.
Q: Are any diseases associated with Dry Eye Syndrome?
A: Yes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, asthma, Thyroid Disease, Lupus and
possibly glaucoma may all be associated. Supplementing with natural anti-inflammatories
may reduce the symptoms of both your arthritis and dry eyes as well. Contact us for more
Q: Does using computers affect tear production?
A: Yes, computer users blink less often. Users need to take an eye break
every 20 minutes, and do simple eye exercises like staring at your finger at close
distance then focusing on something far away. Repeat this for 30 seconds. See free
eye exercises.
DO'S: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, get regular daily exercise, eat cold water fish (including mackerel, salmon, sardines) two to three times a week, increase fiber in your diet, eat slowly, try to eliminate allergenic substances from your surroundings and diet, find ways to reduce stress.
DONT'S: Don't smoke, drink caffeine, sodas or alcohol (except a glass of red wine after dinner may be good for your eyes), avoid foods with artificial sweeteners or hydrogenated/transfatty fats.