Zinc & Vitamin E (1997, 1999) & Macular Degeneration
Learn more about macular degeneration.
In a study of patients over 60, paired with a control group of over-60 adults, researchers evaluated some of the risk factors for macular degeneration. They found a marked connection between incidence of AMD and low blood plasma levels of zinc and vitamin E. In addition they found that the lower the level of vitamin E, the greater the severity of AMD. They also validated that sun exposure causing UV damage was a factor in the severity and risk of AMD.
Researchers: Belda, et al, Serum vitamin E levels negatively correlate with severity of age-related macular degeneration, Mechanisms of Aging and Development, March, 1999.
In one study, researchers compared levels of vitamins A, C, E, carotinoid, zinc, selenium and b-FGF in 35 patients with macular degeneration with those of 66 controls. They found that zinc and vitamin E levels were markedly lower in the AMD group and concluded that subnormal blood plasma levels of zinc and vitamin E are correlated to development of macular degeneration.
Ishihara, et al, Antioxidants and angiogenetic factor associated with age-related macular degeneration (exudative type), Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi, March, 1997