Cineraria (2013, 2011, 1982) & Cataracts

Learn more about treating cataracts.
Fights free radicals
Researchers wanted to evaluate the capacity of cineraria maritima to fight free radicals and slow development of cataracts in lab animals.
Lab animals who had severe chemical-caused eye damage were found to have heightened levels of a number of crystals and various free radicals and other abnormalities that possibly contributed to development of cataracts.
When they were injected with cineraria extract the level of free radicals declined, and other biochemical abnormalities were reduced to nearly normal levels.
While not conclusive, this study opens the possibility that cineraria maritima may be helpful in reducing or preventing cataracts. Note that in this experiment the animals were injected with cineraria into the body rather than using eyedrops.
Researchers: T.A. Anitha, et al.
Published: Putative free radical-scavenging activity of an extract of Cineraria maritima in preventing selenite-induced cataractogenesis in Wistar rat pups, Molecular Vision, Dec. 2013.
Prevents selenite-induced cataract growth.
It has been suggested that extracts of cineraria maritima may be helpful in treating cataracts. The scientists evaluated, both in vivo and in vitro, the efficiency of the herb to preventing selenite-induced cataract growth.
This study involved the in vivo subjects which were lab animals with dense cataracts induced by sodium selenite injection. In the animal who had also received injections of cineraria maritima, only 33.3% of the animals developed cataracts comparted to 100% of the animals who developed cataracts without cineraria maritima.
The study concludes that cineraria may be helpful in preventing this type of chemical-induced cataract.
Editor's note: While not conclusive, this study does show that cineraria supports the health of the lens.
Researchers: T.S. Anitha, T. Annadurai, P.A. Thomas, P. Geraldine.
Published: Prevention of selenite-induced cataractogenesis by an ethanolic extract of Cineraria maritima: an experimental evaluation of the traditional eye medication, Biological Trace Element Research, October, 2011.
Dr. D.H. Chand wrote an article summarizing his experience treating various eye conditions, including cataracts, with cineraria maritima.
He commented that while the effectiveness of cineraria is well known for this use, that it should be used only in the initial stages of cataract development. He wrote that internal supplementation was needed as well depending the medical history of the patient, and might include calcarea carbonica and calceria fluorata. He cited a case in which a British patient's cataract in both eyes was cleared by silica. He recommends cataracts resulting from injuries to be treated with conium maculatum or arnica montana.
Author: D. H. Chand, Role of Homeopathy in ophthalmological conditions, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, July, 1982.