Taurine (2017, 2014) Reduces Inflammation

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Researchers recognize that taurine is widely understood to be a potential therapy for chronic inflammation disorders. This is of interest to vision professionals since inflammation from oxidative stress is one cause of many eye diseases.
In this study scientists were evaluating the effects of taurine on biochemicals called cytokines which promote inflammation as well as other markers of inflammation-related imbalances. They examined mast cells (a type of white blood cell derived from stem cells) which were reacting to a specific type of allergic reaction.
They found that, in a dose related manner, taurine was able to inhibit the production and activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines. And in animal testing they found similar results in that animals were much less affected by allergens.
Researchers: S. Kim, H. Kim, et al
Published: The potential protective role of taurine against experimental allergic inflammation, Life Science, September, 2017.
When the body experiences inflammation as a result of oxidative stress, trauma, exposure to toxins, etc, taurine is part of the response mechanism to try to reduce the negative effects of inflammation. This is important in vision care because scientists increasingly understand that inflammation is a major contributing cause to many, if not most, eye diseases.
When some part of the body becomes inflamed - whether it is the retina in eye conditions, the blood vessels in circulatory problems, the joints in arthritic conditions, taurine undergoes a biochemical change to lessen damage from inflammation.
Upon inflammation taurine is converted to taurine chloramine and taurine bromamine. Taurine chloramin increases the action of antioxidants to protect cell tissue from damage. At the same time it inhibits the creation of cytokines and free radicals that cause inflammation.
Researchers: C. Kim, Y.N. Cha,
Published: Taurine chloramine produced from taurine under inflammation provides anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects, Amino Acids, January, 2014.