Eye Problems in Babies and Children: What To Look For

Eye and Vision Milestones in Infants
Babies older than 3 months should be able to follow or “track” an object as it moves across their field of vision.  If your baby is unable to hold steady eye contact by this time or seems unable to see, let your pediatrician know. Eye-crossing is common in babies before 4 months of age, especially when they are eating.  Eyes that cross all the time or one eye that turns out is often indicative of a problem and should be brought to your doctor’s attention.

Vision Problems in Toddlers
Eye misalignment is called strabismus and is a reason to call the pediatrician right away.  Other vision problems include lazy eye or amblyopia, which has no warning signs and may not effect your child’s vision.

The following problems should prompt a conversation with a pediatrician or an eye professional for children of any age:

White, grayish-white, or yellow-colored material in the pupil
  • Eyes that flutter quickly from side-to-side or up-and-down
  • Bulging eye(s)
  • Persistent eye pain, itching, or discomfort
  • Redness in either eye that doesn’t go away in a few days
  • Pus or crust in either eye
  • Eyes that are always watery
  • Drooping eyelid(s)
  • Excessive rubbing or squinting of the eyes
  • Eyes that are always sensitive to light
  • Any change in the eyes from how they usually look

Source: HealthyChildren.org