Mineral Notes


Zinc has some antioxidant characteristics and is found in the retina. Zinc play a major role in bringing Vitamin A from the liver to the retina, helps Vitamin A create a protective pigment called melanin. Zinc also helps support the health of tiny capillaries in the eye, which are essential in nourishing the retina and related connective tissue. Zinc and copper, in balance (15:1 ratio between zinc to copper as zinc uses copper in the body), help support a proper acid balance in the body, which in turn helps may help avoid development of new floaters.

Zinc is not stored very well in the body. Those who eat meat or seafood likely get enough zinc. Although there are large amounts of zinc in beans, grains, and nuts, apparently due to plant phylates zinc is not well absorbed. Therefore, zinc supplementation may be important for vegans and vegetarians. This is especially important for diabetics since zinc helps to inhibit the develop of a serious condition called sugar cataracts. Check with your medical provider if you think you should be supplementing with zinc.

Learn more about zinc and macular degeneration.


Chromium may help limit nearsightedness, a risk factor for eye floaters. Chromium also has a role in sugar balance in the body, of special concern to those at risk for diabetes. It stimulates the pancreas and insulin production and aids in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Low levels of chromium are found in those with kidney disease and high in those who eat game meat and seafood.2

Magnesium, Selenium

Also read about Magnesium & Selenium.


1. A. Carneiro and J.P. Andrade, Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions for Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Review, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, January, 2017.
2. N. Lanocha-Arendarczyk, et al, Influence of Environmental Factors and Relationships between Vanadium, Chromium, and Calcium in Human Bone, BioMed Research International, April, 2016.