Lutein (2009) and Computer Eye Strain


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This study noted improvements, after taking lutein in visual performance in 37 (age 22-30) subjects who had long-term exposure to computer monitors after taking lutein in a 6mg or 12mg daily dose. The subjects were observed following 12 weeks of lutein supplementation. Three groups were measured: 12 patients taking 6mg of lutein daily, 13 patients taking 12mg of lutein daily, and 12 patients taking a placebo. There was a trend towards improved visual acuity and measures of contrast sensitivity in the subjects taking lutein versus the placebo group. The researchers reported that the 12mg level of lutein consumption produced statistically significant beneficial effects on the visual performance. There was no change in sensitivity to glare, but there was marked improvement in sensitivity to visual contrast.

L. Ma, X. M. Lin, et al. (2009). A 12-week lutein supplementation improves visual function in Chinese people with long-term computer display light exposure, British Journal of Nutrition, July

Another study found that, combined with zeaxanthin and black currant seed oil, lutein helps protect the retina and eye lens from damage by filtering out light, and it has been shown to help reduce eyestrain.

Yagi, A., Fujimoto, K., Michihiro, B., Goh, D., Tsi, H. (2009). The effect of lutein supplementation on visual fatigue: A psychophysiological analysis. Applied Ergonomics, Nov;40(6):1047-54.