Hesperidin (2011, '12, '16, '17, '19) & Alzheimer's


Hesperidin promotes nerve cell differentiation and survival,1 and also enhances the neuroprotective capacity of astrocytes, by inducing them to secrete soluble factors involved in neuronal survival in vitro and increasing the number of neural progenitors.2 It reduces cognitive impairment, oxidative stress, and cell death in animal models of Alzheimer's3 and inhibits amyloid fibril formation.4

A review of the research reported that in animal and clinical trials hesperidin-enriched supplements markedly enhanced cerebral blood flow, memory and cognitive capacity.5


1. Nones J, E Spohr TC, Gomes FC. (2011). Hesperidin, a flavone glycoside, as mediator of neuronal survival. Neurochem Res. Oct; 36(10):1776-84.
2. Nones J, Spohr TC, Gomes FC. (2012). Effects of the flavonoid hesperidin in cerebral cortical progenitors in vitro: indirect action through astrocytes. Int J Dev Neurosci. Jun; 30(4):303-13.
3. Thenmozhi JA, Raja WTR, Manivasagam T, Janakiraman U, Essa MM. (2017). Hesperidin ameliorates cognitive dysfunction, oxidative stress, and apoptosis against aluminum chloride induced rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Nutr Neurosci. Jul:20(6):360-366.
4. Chakraborty S, Bandyopadhyay J, Chakraborty S, Basu S. (2016). Multi-target screening mines hesperidin as a multi-potent inhibitor: Implication in Alzheimer's disease therapeutics. Eur J Med Chem. Oct 4;121:810-822.
5. Jajialyani M, Farzaei MH, Echeverria J, Nabavi SM, Uriarte E, et al. (2019). Hesperidin as neuroprotective Agent: A Review of Animal and Clinical Evidence. Molecules. Feb 12;24(3):648.