Quercetin (2004, '08, '09, '13, '19) & Neurodegenerative Diseases


Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with promising potential due to its neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. It is a predominate component of coffee and accounts for many of coffee's beneficial qualities.

Studies show that quercetin protects brain cells against excitotoxicity, the damage done by repeated excitatory electrical impulses observed in AD and other neurodegenerative diseases.1, 2, 3, 4

A review of the research literature reports that quercetin is neuroprotective against oxidative damage, reduces lipid oxidation, inhibits amyloid beta proteins, and counteracts inflammation and cell breakdown.5

The beneficial effects are mainly due to regulation of cytokines that cause inflammation by way of modulation of various signaling pathways. Researchers have been developing an understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanics of how quercetin protects against Alzheimer's.6


1. Hynd MR, Scott HL, Dodd PR. (2004). Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurochem Int. Oct;45(5):583-95.
2, Silva B, Oliveira PJ, Dias A, Malva JO. (2008). Quercetin, kaempferol and biapigenin from Hypericum perforatum are neuroprotective against excitotoxic insults. Neurotox Res. May-Jun;13(3-4):265-79.
3. Yang EJ, Kim GS, Kim JA, Song KS. (2013). Protective effects of onion-derived quercetin on glutamate-mediated hippocampal neuronal cell death. Pharmacogn Mag. Oct;9(36):302-8.
4. Dong XX, Wang Y, Qin ZH. (2009). Molecular mechanisms of excitotoxicity and their relevance to pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. Apr;30(4):379-87.
5. Khan H, Ullah H, Aschner M, Cheang WS, Akkol EK. (2019). Neuroprotective Effects of Quercetin in Alzheimer's Disease. Biomolecules. Dec 30;10(1):59.
6. Zaplatic E, Bule M, Shah SZA, Uddin MS, Kiaz K. (2019). Molecular mechanisms underlying protective role of quercetin in attenuating Alzheimer's disease. Life Sci. May 1;224:109-119.