Taurine (2017, '19, '20) & Cognitive Function


Taurine is of interest to researchers because of its link to cognitive function.1 In Alzheimer mice, taurine improved cognitive impairment.2

Researchers investigated the effect of taurine in Alzheimer's treatment using functional molecular imaging, a method of taking images of molecules in living mice rather than the conventional samples of preserved tissue. They did not observe any change in amyloid beta pathology between taurine-treated and non-treated Alzheimer's mice. However, taurine therapy did increase uptake of a specific receptor in the brain (metabolic glutamate receptor type 5), thus giving it therapeutic potential against Alzheimer's.3


1. Chen C, Xia s, He J, Lu G, Xie Z, et al. (2019). Roles of taurine in cognitive function of physiology, pathology, and toxication. Life Sci. Aug 15;231:116584.
2 Jang H, Lee S, Choi SL, Kim HY, Baek S, Kim Y. (2017). Taurine Directly Binds to Oligomeric Amyloid-B and Recovers Cognitive Deficits in Alzheimer Model Mice. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;975 Pt 1:233-241.
3. Oh SJ, Lee HJ, Jeong YJ, Nam KR, Kang KJ, et al. (2020). Evaluation of the neuroprotective effect of taurine in Alzheimer's disease using functional molecular imaging. Sci Rep. Sep 23;10(1):15551.